
Web Animationn - Course 2018-2019

Table of Contents


The course Web Animation (VID 3.2) is given at @CMDA in 2020 between 6 May and 24 May.


In Web Animation we’ll create a prototype that heavily focusses on interactivity and animations using CSS animations, CSS transitions and SVG. Instead of static design and prototyping tools we’ll work straight into the browser using in-browser (dev)tools.

This course is part of the Minor Visual (Interface) Design before Ontwerpen 3 alongside Web Typography, together making up Visual Interface Design 2. In ontwerpen 3 you’ll apply your newfound web skills. We build further on knowledge acquired in Internetstandaarden, Inleiding Programmeren, Blok Web and Blok Tech.


Pick a piece of artwork (poster, album cover etc.) from either the Letterform Archive or AIGA Archive and translate that to the web. You can also pitch another piece of artwork to your teacher. What happens when people hover over certain elements with their mouse? What if they press keys on their keyboard? How should the ‘static artwork’ behave on different screen sizes? First try to re-create it with web technology (html elements, svg) then add interactivity and animation and maybe you can even enhance the artwork with elements in the same graphical style as the original work.


If you have questions:


Main goals

The main goals in this course:

Sub goals

In practice you’ll learn to:

The below table breaks down the general time needed per week.

Week Effort Topic Activities
0 NaN getting started getting started
1 9:20h layout lab, lecture
2 9:20h animations lab, lecture
3 9:20h svg lab, lecture
3 NaN assessment assessment


Task Weight
Prototype (oral test) 100%
Total 100%
if (!prototype) {
  grade = 'GR'
} else if (prototype < 5.5) {
  grade = 1
} else {
  grade = (prototype > 5.5)


This course is given at Communication and Multimedia Design, a design bachelor focused on interactive digital products and services. CMD is part of the Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industries at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.


This course has a Code of Conduct. Anyone interacting with this repository, organisation, or community is bound by it.

Staff and students of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) are additionally bound by the Regulation Undesirable Conduct (Regeling Ongewenst Gedrag).


MIT © Danny de Vries, docs and images are CC-BY-4.0.